Microbiology Concept Inventory

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7-3 Typical results for biochemical tests

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Below are pictured typical results for the 12 test species. Because of variation in incubation time, size of inoculum and variable skill in the experimenter, results for each species may be slightly different. With that caution, familiarize yourself with these. Pay special attention to the colony morphology, as that can be very distinctive for each species.

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Figure 7.8. Gram stains of isolates. The Gram reactions of the 9 isolates.

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Figure 7.9. Colony morphology of test strains. Note the margin, shape and elevation of the test strains. Also record the color of each strain.

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Figure 7.18. Catalase reactions for test strains. Note the catalase reactions of each of the test strains. Look for evolution of bubbles.

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Figure 7.10. Indole reactions of isolates. Record the indole tests for each microbe. Note that only E. coli is positive in this test.

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Figure 7.11. Reactions in glucose fermenation broth. Note the presence of growth, color and presence or absence of a gas bubble for each strain.

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Figure 7.19. Reactions in lactose fermenation broth. Note the presence of growth, color and presence or absence of a gas bubble for each strain.

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Figure 7.12. Starch hydrolysis of test strains. Observe for zones of clearing around starch plates that have been flooded with iodine. Note that the zone of clearing should be larger than 3 mm.

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Figure 7.20. Nitrate Broth reactions. Reaction in nitrate broth for the various test species.

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Figure 7.21. Motility of selected strains. The motility test using semi-solid medium.
