Please note, you must be an educator in higher ed or maybe high school to qualify to recieve the MCI
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|DNA replication in all organisms is very accurate, it has to be. (What would happen if many mistakes were made during replication?). However, mistakes do occur at a very low rate and this mutation frequency is formally defined as the probability that a particular gene will mutate each time there is cell division. On the average, there is about one chance in a million (10-6) that a particular gene will mutate when there is DNA replication. Since bacteria can be grown to a very large concentration in artificial culture (109 cells/ml or more), mutants for most genes should be present in a population of microbes larger than a few milliliters. Finding the mutants is the problem.
This experiment introduces the simple technique of direct selection for the detection and isolation of certain mutants. This technique involves plating bacteria on a selective medium on which only the desired mutants can grow. Specifically, the experiment involves taking a culture of microbes at a high density and plating them on a rich medium containing the antibiotic streptomycin. Streptomycin inhibits protein synthesis by binding to the small subunit of the ribosome and blocking entrance of initiator N-formyl methionine tRNA into the ribosome, thus preventing the start of protein synthesis. A single mutation in the S12 protein of the small subunit of the ribosome prevents streptomycin from binding, thus causing the microbe to become resistant to the antibiotic. By plating a strain onto a medium containing streptomycin, it is possible to fish out the microbes present that have a mutation in the S12 gene. Please appreciate the power of this selective technique. By performing a very simple experiment, it is possible to fish out the 100 or so cells, in a mixture containing billions, that have a change in a specific gene. Also, note how easy it is for a microbe to become resistant to an antibiotic. While the drug is killing 99.9999% of the microbes present, 0.0001% are able to survive, and these microbes are now resistant to the antibiotic. This explains why drug resistance in microbes can occur so rapidly and is a constant problem in medicine.
Tube of a concentrated suspension of Staphylococcus epidermidis (approximately 1 X 1010 CFUs/ml) in saline
1 plate of Nutrient Agar (NA)
1 plate of NA+10 µg streptomycin (SM) per ml of medium
1 plate of NA+100 µg SM per ml of medium
Micropipettes and sterile tips
1 plate of NA+100µg SM per ml of medium
Beaker of sterile toothpicks
Figure 8.1. Growth on streptomycin plates. An example showing the growth of microbes on Nutrient Agar (NA), NA + 10 µg streptomycin and NA + 100 µg streptomycin.
What may these differences in colony size and growth characteristics at these streptomycin concentrations mean in terms of the mechanisms of resistance? That is, for the cells in each of the two types of colonies, what structures or functions may have been altered to become resistant (or inhibitory) to the action of streptomycin?
The instructor should pre-run this experiment to determine if lower or higher concentrations of streptomycin should be used. Results of this experiment can vary according to the batch of Nutrient Agar and streptomycin used as well as the particular strain of S. epidermidis. (Twenty µg SM/ml may give better results than 10.) The above method is based on what has worked at UW-Madison (with the use of Difco Nutrient Agar).
Figure 8.2. Results of the Spot inoculated NA + 100 µg/ml SM plate. Note which colonies were capable of growth on this plate and which were not. Were any spot inoculations from the NA plates able to grow. What about the small colonies from the NA + 10 µg/ml streptomycin? Did colonies from the NA 100 µg/ml SM plate grow? Interpret your results.