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Microorganisms from the genus Bacillus are a diverse groups of gram-positive, variable-sized rods. Colonies can vary tremendously from species to species often forming very unusual morphologies. They are grouped together taxonomically due to their ability to form endospores. Endospores are resting structures that are resistant to heat, radiation, dryness, harsh chemicals and extremes in pH. This is truly a state of suspended animation since the spore can survive for many thousands of years and then germinate, if favorable conditions are detected.
Endospore formation (sporulation) is triggered when environmental conditions become poor due to depletion of an essential nutrient. The developmental process that produces a spore takes several hours and involves profound changes in the cellular morphology, biochemistry and physiology of the cell. Sporulation is tightly regulated with close cooperation between two sister cells, one cell eventually being packaged as a endospore, the other devoting most of its resources to building the spore and then lysing. This process serves as a simple tractable model system for understanding the regulation of development and is of interest to developmental biologists as well as microbiologists. You can learn more about Bacillus and endospores in the microbiology textbook.
Most Bacillus species are chemoheterotrophs, but their metabolism is very diverse. B. cereus and B, subtilus carry out a 2,3 butanediol fermentation similar to some Enterobacteriaceae, except these species also produce glycerol as an end product. B. schlegelii is able to grow chemolithoautotrophically in a minimal salts medium using CO2 as a carbon source, H2 as an energy source and oxygen as a terminal electron acceptor.
Some species are pathogenic to other organisms. Bacillus anthracis is the causative agent of anthrax - historically a serious threat to live stock and humans. It has recently hit the public the public consciousness due to the percieved threat of bioterrorism. Bacillus was first described by Robert Koch while working on this disease. The use of antibiotics and a vaccine against the disease has eliminated it in most industrialized countries. Several other bacilli (including B. thuringiensis, B. popilliae, and B. larvae) are pathogenic to insects. These microbes produce a crystalline protein during sporulation that is toxic to certain species of insect. They are of interest to scientists as biocontrol agents since some of the susceptible insects are agricultural pests.
Thermophillic Bacillus species have also been described and industry is interested in them for the production of heat stable enzymes. Many Bacillus species will excrete extracellular enzymes that degrade polysaccharides, proteins and lipids. These thermophillic enzymes are used to process raw materials into commercially valuable products. One example is the conversion of starch to glucose units by heat stable amylases.
Endospore formation has allowed Bacillus species to disperse themselves widely in the environment and it is possible to isolate them from almost any source. In this experiment we will isolate spores from soil.
A soil sample is suspended in saline and heated at 80°C. This treatment destroys all vegetative cells leaving mostly heat resistant spores. This is an effective pretreatment that is so selective for endospore-forming bacteria, a non-selective rich medium can be used in the next step. Mesophillic and thermophillic Bacillus will be enriched for by incubating plates at 30°C and 55°C respectively. The experiment will culminate with students comparing the heat tolerance of endospores from a mesophile and endospores from a thermophile.
Sample that may contain endospores (brought in by you)
balance capable of weighing 1 g
4 tubes 0.85% saline (9 ml)
80 °C water bath
6 plates of Nutrient Agar + 50 mg/L MnCl2 • 4H2O (NAM)
55°C incubator
2 plates of NAM
Figure 10.33. Enrichment plate of Bacillus at 30 °C. The appearance of colonies growing on the NAM plate at 30 °C. All colonies growing here are endospore formers or thermophiles.
Figure 10.34. Enrichment plate of Bacillus at 55 °C. The appearance of colonies growing on the NAM plate at 55 °C. All colonies growing here are likely endospore formers, but must be thermophiles. Why?
2 NAM slants
2 Starch Agar plates
2 tubes of Voges-Proskauer Broth
2 tubes of Thioglycollate agar
2 Citrate Agar slants
Malachite Green for endospore stain
Figure 10.35. Streak plate at 30 °C. Appearance of colonies on isolation plates incubated at 30°C
Figure 10.36. Streak plate at 55 °C. Appearance of colonies on a streak plate grown at 55 °C
Figure 10.37. Wet mounts of Bacillus. Wet mounts of Bacillus isolates grown at 30 °C (A) and 55 °C (B).
(Note: Some endospore forming bacteria will not sporulate under the conditions we are using. If you are unable to observe endospores, redo the endospore stain next period using a bit of growth from the NAM slant. Many Bacillus species will sporulate under these conditions)
Your assignment for next period is to design an experiment to compare the heat resistance of endospores from a mesophile to endospores from a thermophile. You have available the materials listed below in Period 4. Before you come in to lab, discuss with your lab partner the design of the experiment and agree on a prediction of the results.
Bottle of sterile saline (50 ml)
Basket of sterile test tubes
Plates of NAM (You are limited to 14 plates)
100°C water bath
Voges-Proskauer reagents
Figure 10.38. Reactions of Bacillus strains in starch agar. Many Bacillus isolates will be capable of degrading starch. Positive reactions (A) will show a zone of clearing, while negative reactions will not (B).
Figure 10.39. Reactions in VP broth.. A test for the production of acetoin by Bacillus strains. A positive reaction (A) will show a red color. A negative reaction is brown to clear (B).
Figure 10.40. Thioglycollate reactions. Growth of Bacillus in Thioglycollate.
Figure 10.41. Reactions of Bacillus in Simmons citrate. A positive reaction in Simmon citrate reaction (A) shows a blue metallic color, while a negeative reaction (B) remains green.
Figure 10.42. Table of reactions for known Bacillus strains. Here are listed the reactions of known thermophillic species of Bacillus. Can you use this informaiton to determine the species of your isolate?
Table 10-1. Differentiating properties of thermophillic Bacillus species
Thermophillic species | Sporangium Swollen | Spores Round (Not Ellipsoid) | Degradation of Starch | Voges-Proskauer | Citrate | Anaerobic Growth |
B. acidocaldarius | + | - | + | - | - | - |
B. circulans | + | - | d | - | d | d |
B. badius | - | - | + | - | - | - |
B. licheniformus | - | - | + | + | + | + |
B. schlegelii | + | + | - | - | - | - |
B. stearothermophilus | + | - | + | - | d | - |
+ =90% of isolates are positive
-=90% of isolates are negative
d=11-89% of isolates are positive